Discover What Affordable Smile Makeover Options Get Results

Clear bright teeth being cleaned with laser

All of us want to have a smile that makes us feel confident when we share it. After body language, our mouth provides the primary method of communication between people. When you’re talking with someone, or even just smiling, you don’t want them to be distracted by an imperfection in your teeth. Thankfully aesthetic dentistry doesn’t have to be expensive; there are affordable makeover options available that will leave you looking great.

Dental whitening is the most frequently requested and effective aesthetic options

Affordable Smile Makeover Options That Will Make You Look Great

If you’ve ever paid attention when walking down the dental aisle at your local pharmacy, it should come as no surprise that dental whitening is incredibly popular. It stands out as the most accessible and most affordable option for addressing dental discoloration, a common aesthetic concern. But over-the-counter options for making over your smile are just the start. Consider the following:

  • Professional Teeth Whitening – While the products available over the counter may work for mild staining or everyday maintenance, they lack the effectiveness of professional options. When dental staining is severe, this is the option to discuss with your dentist.
  • Porcelain Veneers – When dental staining is too severe, or you have multiple concerns such as misalignment, chips, or cracks, porcelain veneers are a great way to address them all at once. Veneers are a slim layer of porcelain that are placed over your teeth to create a beautiful white, even smile. Small gaps can be addressed as well.
  • Dental Implants – This form of dental restoration is far more expensive than the above two but can reduce expenses in the long run by being a permanent and complete solution. These implants help to restore bone strength and a natural eating and speaking experience, all while giving a beautiful new smile.

The above options represent some of the most popular dental restoration options available on the market today. Each of them represents a solution that helps enhance the beauty of your smile while making the most of your aesthetic dental dollar.

Every year sees more and more dental patients seeking aesthetic dental treatment options

A Beautiful And Confident Smile Is About More Than Vanity

The effect of a beautiful white smile has been the subject of extensive research, and the results continue to indicate what many of us have always known. An aesthetically pleasing smile helps us feel more confident, and a confident smile can have an immense impact on the way you’re perceived in social situations. It goes beyond confidence, however, and into the social perception of poor dental health. These individuals tend to be perceived as less desirable, untrustworthy, and even unhygienic and slovenly, in spite of all other available evidence. As a result, aesthetic dentistry can have a meaningful impact on our lives.

Dr. Tom Galinis
dr shannon galinis

Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis
have an extraordinary passion for cosmetic dentistry and are active members of their profession. With dental degrees from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis help patients receive beautiful and functional smiles in Palm City, FL, and change lives each day.

Dr. Tom Galinis
dr shannon galinis

Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis
have an extraordinary passion for cosmetic dentistry and are active members of their profession. With dental degrees from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis help patients receive beautiful and functional smiles in Palm City, FL, and change lives each day.