How To Know If Cosmetic Dentistry Is Necessary For You

Smiling woman with beautiful teeth

Have you been looking at your smile in the mirror lately and wishing it could be a little something more? Does the shape of your teeth make you think about asking the dentist if there’s something that can be done? Maybe your teeth are somewhat more yellow or discolored than you’re strictly comfortable with. It’s possible it’s time to look for guidance from a skilled dental professional who can let you know what your options are. Great oral health is important, but so is having a smile that you’re proud of. Below we’ll talk about some of the things that will help you decide if it’s the right time for you to get cosmetic dental treatments.

How To Know If Cosmetic Dentistry Is Necessary For You

If the above questions are ones that you’ve asked yourself from time to time, then it may be time for cosmetic dentistry. There is a selection of things to know about these procedures before you get started. The first is that not all cosmetic treatments are appropriate for all aesthetic concerns. Some can be quite expensive, and many of them are temporary. There’s also some question of whether it’s the appropriate time to consider getting cosmetic dentistry.

  • Timeline – Are you about to go on vacation? It may not be the most appropriate time to get some forms of cosmetic treatment done. Teeth whitening can safely happen at any point. Restorations and renovations, on the other hand, can take several visits to complete and may not be ready in time.
  • Realistic Expectations – While there’s a lot your dentist can do with a cosmetic treatment, they can’t work miracles. Teeth whitening will only brighten your teeth by one or two shades. Particularly dark or deep-set stains aren’t going to vanish overnight.
  • Necessity – Even if a minor imperfection in your smile bothers you, that doesn’t mean it warrants cosmetic treatment. Many forms of cosmetic treatment are expensive and can have some negative impact on your teeth. 
  • Lifestyle Changes – It’s also important to consider if you’re willing to take the steps necessary to prevent the concern you’re addressing from cropping up again. If your teeth have become stained from tobacco use or dark beverages such as tea or coffee, they’re going to get stained again if you don’t change your activities.

These are among the basic points that those considering cosmetic dental treatments should think about.

Common Questions About Cosmetic Treatments

Below are some common concerns brought to dentists by those seeking cosmetic dentistry.

  • Can It Be Done In One Visit? – The answer to this will depend on the particulars of your concern. Many treatments, like dental whitening, can be done in one visit and on short notice. Others will take some time to prepare for.
  • Will I Like My New Smile? – It can be difficult to determine what the final result will look like. However, new technologies and experience will make it possible for your dentist to give you something of a preview.
  • Is It Permanent? – Cosmetic treatments may or may not be permanent, but few are truly permanent. A lot depends on your oral health habits, the nature of the treatment, and your lifestyle.

Call your dentist to learn more.

Dr. Tom Galinis
dr shannon galinis

Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis
have an extraordinary passion for cosmetic dentistry and are active members of their profession. With dental degrees from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis help patients receive beautiful and functional smiles in Palm City, FL, and change lives each day.

Dr. Tom Galinis
dr shannon galinis

Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis
have an extraordinary passion for cosmetic dentistry and are active members of their profession. With dental degrees from the University of Florida College of Dentistry, Drs. Tom and Shannon Galinis help patients receive beautiful and functional smiles in Palm City, FL, and change lives each day.